A popular keyword tool that many affiliates use these days is helium 10. The helium 10 tool for Amazon is a keyword research tool. It shows you how to find the best keywords to target. It will show you where your competitors are ranking in organic searches for specific products. In this article, I am going to take a closer look at this tool and how it can benefit you as an affiliate.
The main feature of the helium 10 tool for Amazon is its smart, complete keyword suggestions tool. This is a very powerful feature. This tool will analyze the complete set of key phrases and show you which are the most searched for and where they rank in search engines.
The other features of helium 10 are also quite powerful. The keyword suggestion engine provides a list of keywords based on a given index checker. These tools also tell you how many other sites target the exact keywords in your niche and even tell you the number of competing sites.
Another useful feature is the sales report. This report tells you how many sales were made and how much money was earned from each sale. This tool comes with a sales checker. You simply need to enter the total amount of sales, including clicks. The tool also comes with a keyword research tool. This tool will tell you which keywords are under heavy demand by your target market and which ones are not that competitive.
The last and most useful feature of the helium 10 tool for Amazon is its automated feature which checks and updates its related products related to your chosen keywords using their inbuilt algorithm. When the data from the checker matches the target market, your order is placed. When the order is placed, it goes to the fulfilment centre. From there, it will be shipped to your customers. With this tool, you are assured that you won’t miss out on any profitable keywords as they are updated every time the market changes. You don’t have to worry about losing money from bad deals.
Helium 10 Group Buy
Suppose you’re wondering where you can find these tools. There are 2 ways to subscribe to Helium 10; you can subscribe from the official website, which costs $97/M for the platinum plan and $197/M for the diamond plan. However, suppose you can’t afford to buy from the official site. In that case, you may subscribe to the helium 10 group buy only at $10/M at SEO group buy tools guru. You won’t regret it. I’m sure you’ll get your orders through the roof.